Monday, February 27, 2012

Bianca's sick.

Bianca has had a fever for several days now. We're not sure what's wrong with her. L.T. and I decided we would head into town for some antibiotics and any other medical supplies we could gather from a small clinic there.

The town was looking pretty desolate. Just as we passed the main square we heard a gun shot reverberate off the buildings in the street.

"Where's it coming from?" L.T. said as we both scanned the streets.

Looking down an alley I spotted a thorpe running at the opposite end. "There; on the right."

L.T. swung down the next allay and when we came out the far side we saw multiple thorpes rushing toward the clinic we were going to. One thorpe was already beating on the door and several more joined in. L.T. pulled the truck to the side of the building where I had clear shots at the thorpes on the door. "You take them down. I'll cover the street." L.T. said as he stepped from the truck. Carefully I lined up my shot. I dropped the first one. That brought the attention of the others. They turned and rushed the truck. I dropped three en route. I could hear L.T.'s gun fire at the rear of the truck. The first thorpe to reach the truck came so fast that it impaled itself on the barrel of my rifle! This didn't cause it's determination to waiver in the least. Luckily the rifle gave me a good stand off with which to keep the thorpe at bay while I drew my pistol. I put one round between it's eyes but as it fell back it pulled the rifle from my hand and the but stock came up and raked my face hard. I fell back into the truck and I dropped my pistol as my hands immediately shot to my face. When I pulled them away they were dripping with blood. Starring at my crimson fingers I didn't see the thorpe at my window until it was reaching in to grab me. As it leaned it's head in I began frantically searching for my pistol. As I rolled to my side to reach the floor boards I felt the weight of the thorpes body fall on me. I began kicking and screaming; trying to pull myself across the car while keeping the things head away from me.

"James! Jmaes! It's dead!" L.T. shouted. He grabbed the corpse and pulled it back out the window. As he did I saw through the windshield that there was a man on the roof of the clinic with a bolt action rifle. When I sat up I saw where his bullet exited the head of the thorpe and entered the seat I had been sitting on.

L.T. opened the door and helped me out. "Hold still." He pulled a dressing from a cargo pocket on his gear and pressed it against my face. "Keep pressure on it."

"I'm coming down to let you in," the man on the roof called out.

L.T. led me inside. With the blood and the dressing I could hardly see. "Let me take a look," L.T. said as he pulled the dressing carefully from my face.

"He's definitely going to need some stitches," the man from the roof said. L.T. looked at him sceptically. "I'm a doctor. This is my clinic. I have all the supplies. Here," the doctor handed L.T. a bottle and some gauze, "start cleaning him up."

As the doctor went for supplies L.T. began to wash my face. "Guess you picked the right place to get hurt."

"I didn't know there was ever a right place to get hurt." I said. As I tried to let out a laugh I felt an intense burning pain in my lip. As I reached up L.T. pulled my hand back down.

"You don't want to touch that." He said.

"Is it bad? I mean is it - oh man - "

"Relax. If this guy's really a doc - "

"I am," the doctor said as he came in. "Unfortunately I don't have any anesthetic."

"I can handle it. Just get me fixed up so we can get out of here."

The doctor prepped a suture needle and had me lay back on the table while L.T. held my head still. The doctor started on the first stitch and I felt like he was ripping my face off...then everything went black.

When I came to I was laying in the back seat of the Humvee. L.T. and the doc were in the front and we were moving. I sat up and saw myself in the rear-view mirror. My upper lip had almost an inch of stitches holding it together and I had another couple in my eyebrow.

"Mornin' tough guy."

"Shut up L.T." I mumbled through swollen lips. He chuckled as we pulled into the garage at the house. I hope this doctor can do something for Bianca.