Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stake Out

We have been survielling the building that Kevin found. We headed there in the morning just before dawn. Kevin and I holed up in the second story of a building across the street. We barricaded ourselves in a room to avoid a run-in with the undead while we watched the holding area with binoculars. Kevin suggested we bring along a rope fire escape ladder that hangs over a window sill in case we needed a way out if the door was blocked. It turned out to be a great idea.

We were there almost 13 hours before there was any activity. At that point a small box truck pulled up to the building. Three men got out of the cab. After what looked like some jovial rough housing and weed smoking one of the men went to the back side of the building and started shouting obscenities. The two men at the truck then opened the box, which was facing away from us, and one of them climbed in and handed a pole to the man on the ground. The man on the ground then lifted the pole into the truck box where it was attached to something. After a little struggling, cussing and laughing the man then pulled a zombie from the truck. He went to the building, shoved the zombie in, and released it. They repeated this with five more zombies and then packed up the poles. From what we can tell they sent the man around the back of the building to distract the undead inside so they could put more in. The ones added to the building had the same voice treatment as the others. They are using some sort of modified catch pole to handle the undead. But why are they storing them? By this time the sun was on it's way down and shining in the window where we were watching. The men were sitting on the front bumper of the truck and talking. I raised my binoculars just as one of them looked my way. The sun hit the lenses of the binoculars and the man saw it! They sprang to action, grabbing a gun and some bats from the truck they rushed the building. Kevin quickly pulled the ladder from his pack. We could hear the men coming up the stairwell. We threw everything in the packs and flung the ladder down. Kevin went down first and I followed. When I was just a few rungs from the bottom I heard the door of the room burst open and when I was just one rung from the bottom the men from the truck started to pull the ladder up! I jumped as Kevin fired a round at the open window. I hit the ground running. Kevin started to head up the street that would take us to the house. I grabbed him and pulled him in the opposite direction, not wanting to lead the men to our hide out. One of the men came down the ladder after us and the others went back down the stairs.

We ran and made a couple of turns to get out of sight of our pursuers then we ducked into the nearest building we could find. It was an Indian restaurant. We worked our way though the tables trying to be as quiet as possible. We could here the men shouting to each other in the street. We made it to the the door at the back of the kitchen. There were no windows and it was dark in the kitchen so we couldn't see why it wasn't opening. Then we heard the moans. There were zombies in the kitchen with us. I turned on my flashlight just in time to see the beam glinting of the teeth of the nearest one. I instinctively fired my rifle killing it.

"Shit." Kevin grabbed me and pulled me toward the front.

"What are you doing?!" I hissed.

"The shot. They know where we are. We have to get out of here before they get in."

He was right. Damn it. What was I thinking? We headed out the front at a dead run. Just as we reached the end of the block and turned the corner I looked back to see undead pouring from the restaurant and the men rounding to corner. They spotted us but they had to deal with the zombies which gave us a couple of minutes.

"There." I said pointing across the street to an open manhole cover. We climbed down and I grabbed the manhole cover to close it. It wasn't moving. I handed my rifle to Kevin and grabbed on with both hands. It must have weighed 75 pounds or more! It took a minute but I got it over the hole; I hoped before the men had made it around the corner to see me. I came down the ladder and was greeted by a look of despair on Kevin's face.


He shined his light around the sewer where we were. Every tunnel leading out of the chamber was blocked with a locked grate. We were stuck. We heard the man coming up the street now. Kevin turned off his light and we waited with or rifles pointing at the tiny hole of light coming from the manhole cover lift port. We could here the men searching. Several times they passed over the cover. Soon the light coming in started to fade. They gave up and left. Kevin and I stayed in the chamber all night. Taking turns at watch. Waiting for morning to make our way home.

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