Friday, May 20, 2011

Getting Her Back

Kevin and I went out the day after I returned from the scouting trip to search for more water filters. When we returned that evening we were unprepared for what we saw.

There were a couple of bodies in the front yard and a lot of blood. We made our way inside and found Jan lying face down in a pool of blood in the living room. She was dead. From the look of her and the bodies out front she definitely went down fighting hard. We searched the house but Bianca was nowhere to be found. Neither were most of our supplies. I went to the bodies out front and searched them for any clues to where they might have taken Bianca. When I rolled the second body over I recognized the face. I had seen him with the Servants when I was scouting the camp. One of them must have followed me home when I left. Those bastards killed Jan and took Bianca.

"What are we gonna do?" Kevin said from behind me.

"We're going to get her back."

I led the way back to the camp as night fell around us. I wasn't sure how but we were going to get Bianca out of that place even if it killed both of us.

When we arrived at the camp they were wrapping up what looked to be a big celebration. They were dividing up the spoils from our hide out. From the look of the cage they had also had some games. There was a thorpe and a dragger being rounded up from the cage by the wranglers. It looked like they were chewing the remains of the loser...I just hoped it wasn't Bianca.

Kevin and I took up a vantage point that was well concealed behind a stand of park bushes. From there we scanned the camp through our binoculars searching for Bianca and trying to formulate a plan to get in and out of the camp.

"It's her!" Kevin hissed. "There by that central tent."

I looked to where his finger pointed. It was Bianca - and she was being led into Leader's tent. A servant walked Bianca into the tent and then came out alone. Leader's tent was right in the middle of the camp. There was no way we would be able to sneak in unnoticed. Then it hit me.

"Kevin follow me."

We ran as fast as our lungs would let us to the zombie storage building. We made it just a few minutes before the wranglers arrived in their truck to unload the zombies from the nights games. When they stepped from the truck Kevin shot the driver and I fired at the two passengers. We rushed them firing as we ran. They managed to get off a couple of shots. I was on top of them swinging my SPAX. I killed one of the passengers with it and the other one was fading in and out of consciousness from the gun shot wound I had inflicted on him. The struggle on the drivers side had subsided as well and I stepped around to find Kevin holding a hand over a bloody wound on his side. He kicked the lifeless body of the driver as he rose from the ground.

"It's not bad. Let's load this truck and get moving." He said as he pulled the keys from the ignition.

We threw the one passenger that was still clinging to life in the back of the truck as bait to draw in the the zombies. With the truck in position we flung open the door to the building and the de-barked zombies poured into the truck and devoured the screaming wrangler. With as many zombies as the truck could hold and the weapons taken from the wranglers we headed for the camp.

The truck smashed through the outer fence with no trouble at all. Kevin made a few wide circles of the camp running down as many servants and pleasures as he could before he brought the truck to a jarring stop. He lept from the rig guns blazing and flung open the back door letting the zombies pour out like angry bees from a torn open hive. The camp was in chaos. All the inhabitants were running and screaming. The de-barked zombies that were once there entertainment had now become their silent killers. Kevin fired until his guns ran dry then he drew a knife and club and continued his rampage.

I entered the camp from the side opposite where Kevin had driven the truck in. I made my way straight for Leader's tent, killing anything that got in my way. I lifted the flaps and stepped inside. Bianca was in the corner. Her clothes were torn and she had been hit multiple times about the face. I rushed to her and gently clutched her shoulders.

"Bianca - it James. Bianca, I'm going to get you out of here."

She didn't respond. She just teetered in place with a blank expression. I looked down at her torn clothing and battered body and noticed a belt around her left arm. Lifting it closer I could see a needle mark.

"What the fuck do you - "

I turned and charged Leader before he could finish his sentence. Tackling him to the ground I started swinging the SPAX with both hands. The world blackened to a narrow tunnel and all I could see was Leader's hands as they tried to fend off my blows. Then I could only see blood.

My vision slowly began to return as I started to hear screaming in the distance. After a few more moments I realized the screaming was coming from me. I was still swinging the handle of the SPAX into the bloody pulp of human flesh that I had pinned to the ground. The head of the SPAX had broken off in the flurry of blows. I threw the handle down and went to Bianca. Wrapping her in a blanket from the nearby bed I lifted her in my arms and rushed from the tent.

I stepped outside to find most of the camp on fire. People were running and screaming as the zombie swarm took over. The truck skidded up next to the tent.

"Hurry! Get in here!" Kevin shouted from the drivers seat.

We sped away out of the camp. Kevin drove us as far as he could. He began to waver after about thirty minutes. He had been shot at least once more and had to many other injuries to count. He was dying. I tried to stop some of his bleeding but it was just too much. I couldn't help him. He looked to me as I frantically tried to put pressure on one of his many wounds.

"It's okay man. Just go. I'm fine. Well not fine but - you know. Take Bianca. Get her somewhere safe. Just go."

"We're not gonna leave you Kevin. You saved Bianca. You saved me"

"That's why I want you to go."

Kevin extended his hand. I grasped it and he smiled as we had our last handshake.

Bianca has come out of the effects of whatever drug they gave her. I am recovering from all the wounds my adrenaline didn't let me feel at the time. We are holed up in a small apartment for right now. I was able to get an emergency generator in the basement of the building going so that I could post this. I am not sure what to do next. We will have to keep moving. We can't risk being found again by anyone from the camp. We need to get as far away from them as we can. Bianca has already retreated far away into her mind. She's not a little girl anymore. I'm not sure I'll ever get her back.

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